Tokyo Revengers is an anime with a strange premise, following the life of freelancer Takemichi Hanagaki as he travels 12 years back in time and seeks to stop the death of his girlfriend and her brother at the hands of the Tokyo Manji Gang. Inventive and fun, this anime might encourage some fans to start collecting their own Tokyo Revengers merchandise, which will hold a prominent spot in their character figure collection that they’ve set up for their favorite anime and manga characters. If this is you, one great place to start is with Nendoroid Mikey, a deuteragonist and wonderful Tokyo Revengers Nendoroid to add to your collection!
Jumpstart Your Collection With This Fun Nendoroid Mikey Figure
This Tokyo Revengers Nendoroid produced by Good Smile Company features the leader of the Tokyo Manji Gang, Mikey! The chibi Mikey figure comes with three face plates to help you customize his look in your display case, which includes a standard expression, a smiling expression, and a wild expression. This Tokyo Revengers Nendoroid also comes with optional parts like his motorcycle, a removable jacket, and a kid’s meal! These figures make it easy to reenact scenes or simply enjoy the character right from home. This character figure stands at approximately 100 mm, features a character stand, and is made from ABS and PVC.
Shop All Your Favorite Characters at Plaza Japan
Are you an anime or manga fan looking to expand your collection of characters? Plaza Japan features an extensive collection of character figures and other plastic figures to help you source authentic Japanese products for your display case. With fast shipping directly from Japan, you don’t have to worry about the numerous problems you might encounter when you choose to shop with other vendors selling Japanese products. Start your journey here with Plaza Japan!
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